Save the date:  Saturday, October 12th, 2024

Bazaar homemade!

Here’s why you do NOT want to miss this: amazing homemade baked goods, soup, country ham, chicken salad sandwiches and snacks (eat in or to go). Crafts. Homemade canned goods like pickles and applesauce. (All of these items are priced).
Huge yard sale. This is all donation based. You donate what you think it’s worth or what you can afford! All of our clothes are grouped by size many on hangers making it easy to find your size! Women’s, men’s and children. All yard sale items nicely and neatly displayed by categories and under tents!
We have lots of puzzles, jewelry, books, shoes, purses, pictures, frames, Holiday items, quilting materials, Knick knacks, kitchen items, office items, linens, crafts, toys, pet items and even some sporting equipment. There’s even some furniture. It’s truly a local favorite.
We are a historic church in continuous service since 1844. This bazaar has been going on for nearly 75 years! There are signs posted to help you learn (civil war bullet holes included!)
Easy drive up 211 west to Leeds Manor. Look for the signs with hot pink!
Proceeds go to missions!

Join us for a great time of community fellowship, a hot lunch with homemade soups (you can take a quart home!), country ham and chicken salad sandwiches, drinks and lots of snacks and desserts. There is something for everyone!